gRPC and Ruby

December 13, 2016. By Minh Nguyen


Microservice approach is mentioned every where at the moment. It is considered to be the exit for the Monolith applications. However, it is not for the beginner because when moving from the simple monolith application, you will meet a lot of other problems that need to solved. Those problems are not the business logic, but the technical side. One of them is how the services communicate with each other. I’m a beginner to the mirco service world. So, I’m having a little research as well as benchmarking so that I could learn and apply for the projects at the company if possible (yup company environment only, who needs microservice for a side project?). So let’s begin.

When I mention about the communication between microservices, perhaps the first thing popping in your head is REST API. And yes, it is the most popular way implemented to be the standard for service communication. It has bunch of advantages. For example, it is really easy and familiar with any developer, or it is highly compatible, supported in any frameworks in any programming language. However, REST API is based on client-server model. It is perfectly fit for that purpose. In the microservice world, the communication we are talking about here is server-server communication. So, REST API exposes some significant flaws. It is One-way communication, one server is the requester, other one is the responser. The server could respond anything it wants and hope the client could parse it. It becomes a potential error, especially deeply nested object. The second thing is that when the data needed to be transfer becomes huge, REST API becomes costly. It is caused due to the serialization and deserialization process. The server must load all data, serialize it and send back to the client. If we paginate it, it is much more slower since everything under the transportation layer must to be set up from the beginning. No way to reuse these effort. In fact, there are some other flaws in the design of REST API that I could not mention here (actually, I have just recently think about these two only :p)

There are many other alternative standard born to solve the problems with REST API. One of them is Remove Procecure Call (RPC). It is just a general name for the mechanism the way a service fetches information from other services is just simple as calling an internal method. It is an open concept. So, there are many organisation joins in this play. gRPC is one of them. This RPC framework is developed by Google and its programing community. It is now one of the most popular RPC implementation in the market. So I’ll focus on researching this framework first.

How gRPC works?

gRPC is a remote proceduce framework, backed by Google. It simplify the external communication between services as if it is a local object.

The basic concept of gRPC is to define a service on the server callee (server) side, specify the methods the service could serve, the calling parameters and corresponding return types for each method. On the caller (client) side, gRPC provides a stub, which is the interface so that the client just needs to call method with the same name as it defined in the callee side. gRPC officially supports the all popular languages

In the gRPC world, the matching of method parameters and return types is enforced. By default, gRPC use protocol buffer to define those information. Protocol buffer files (with .proto extention) are written with a simple programming language similar to Java called proto ( Each protocol buffer files include the structure and type of exchanging messages, definition of supported method and a pair of request and return message the method use. This is a typical protocol buffer file:

message MembersRequest {
  repeated int64 ids = 1;
message MembersReply {
  message MemberInfo {
    int64 id = 1;
    string name = 3;
    string email = 4;
  repeated MemberInfo members = 1;
service AwesomeService {
  rpc LoadMember ( MembersRequest ) returns ( MembersReply ) {}

The above file indicates that the AwesomeService could handle LoadMember method. That method requires MembersRequest param, which wraps over an int64 array. The response is always MembersReply attached with an MemberInfo array under the key members.

This protocol buffer file has nothing but the communication convention between services. If some services want to call LoadMember method in the AwesomeService, it must follow the rule described in the file. Otherwise, the connecting could not be procedured. At the beginning, this convention is a little strick. When we want to add more features, we have to edit in client, server and proto files. However, when the amount of services increases and the communication between them becomes much more complicated, this approach help us reduce the messy and potential bug problem caused with normal JSON. The gRPC helps us validate the incoming data and ensure the request provides right data structure. We don’t need the annoying boiler-plate for those works anymore.

Microservice is the world of different services written in high variety of programming languages. Each language has its own specifications and specific features. To ease the pain of implementing the same feature on different languages, gRPC help us a lot by providing extension for main streams programming languages like Ruby, Python, Java, Go, etc… And to load and apply the protocol buffers into our project, gRPC tool set provides a tool to compile proto files into the specification for the programming language we are using. We just need to include those specifications directly and gRPC takes care the rest for us.

Language specified protocol buffer supporting is just the beginning of the whole story of gRPC. The real strength of gRPC lies at the data transpotation mechanism. This is a story about how my dream cluster works. Service A is written in Golang, Service B is written in Ruby. I define a proto file, then compile this file into service_pb.go for service A, and service_pb.rb for service B. Service A wants to get the data from service B. So, service use the SDK that gRPC provides to start a RPC server on a specific port, let’s assume it 50051. This server could be treated as a normal web server. At the beginning of the information fetching, service A delegate the gRPC to call method LoadMember from service B with request object created from service_pb.go. This object is serialized with protocol buffer, and push to the transportation layer to send to service B. Service B’s gRPC server receive the message, deserialize the requeest and trigger the handling logic to handle the request. Then, it creates a response object using service_pb.rb, serialize it, push to transportation layer to send back to service A. Service A get the response, deserialize again andgot the final response with response object form using service_pb.go. That’s the whole process of a simple call.

The above flow has something different, in which I think it is much more better than the traditional REST api call.

Simple demo with plain Ruby

To make everything easy at the beginning. Let’s written everything in plain Ruby. To get started. You need to create 3 folders and corresponding blank files:

|_ server.rb
|_ client.rb
|_ member.proto

By convention, the client.rb file implements a simple server that intervally request to data service (server.rb) to query some information. They both follows the same interface writen in member.proto. Let’s start with the proto file. Assume that the member.proto content is like bellow:

syntax = "proto3";

message MemberRequest {
  int64 id = 1;

message MemberReply {
  string name = 1;
  string email = 2;

service MemberService {
  rpc LoadMember ( MemberRequest ) returns ( MemberReply ) {}

This is pretty simple. Client user MemberRequest, the server use MemberReply. They both use LoadMember (alias load_member in ruby convention). The number behind the attributes in message difinition is the order of aguments in static type languages (like C++, C#, etc.). We are working on Ruby, so we don’t have to worry about that

To use this specification, we must compile this .proto file into ruby so thate the client and server could use them. The Ruby compiling process is conducted with a plugin written by Google. So, we’ll install that gem:

gem install gprc-tools

Now, run the following command to compile this file:

grpc_tools_ruby_protoc --proto_path=./ --ruby_out=./lib --grpc_out=./lib **/*.proto

The following command reads the .proto file and generate ruby-specified library. Each proto file includes two parts: message definition and method definition. They are usually put into two different files so that other methods could re-use the message definition. By default, when running above comamnds, you get:

|_ lib
| |_ member_pb.rb
| |_ member_services_pb.rb
|_ member.proto

Let’s implement the server side. At the beginning, we should load the generated file into our source code:

path = File.expand_path('lib', File.dirname(__FILE__))
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(path) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(path)
require 'member_services_pb'

Having a look at the generated member_services_pb file, we realise that the generator generates a class MemberService::Service that contains the nothing but some configs and method template. There is no logic to handle the requests here. The gRPC framework lets us handle every logic. To acheive that, we inherit the MemberService::Service and add the handling logic into it.

class ServiceHandler < MemberService::Service
  def load_member(request, other)
    puts "Request received (under #{}): id = #{}"
      name: "Member ##{}",
      email: ''

This is just a simple demo to return a dummy data. As I mentioned above, the request is casted into MemberRequest object so that we could access the attributes directly. No need to deserialize here. The logic here is pretty simple. Next, we just need to start the RPC servce.

server =
server.add_http2_port("localhost:50051", :this_port_is_insecure)

The server gonna running on localhost with port 50051. The :this_port_is_insecure part indicates that this server is not protected. Anyone that knows the server address could connect and fetch the data with ease. gRPC provides some mechanism to protect this vulnerability like Self-sign certification. We’ll talk about this later.

Let’s start the server on with a simple comment: ruby server.rb. The server is now ready to handle requests. Let’s continue with the client side. Well, the clinent side is much much much more simpler. Like above, we need to require the member_services_pb. Then the main logic just need:

loop do
  stub =
  result = stub.load_member( rand(1..1000)))
  puts "Reply received (under #{}): name = #{}, email = #{}"

The real logic is just this line: result = stub.load_member( rand(1..1000))). It sends a MemberRequest instance which contains a random id number to the server. Then, it received a MemberReply response. So that we could access the attributes directly like above. And now we start the client with ruby client.rb. And hooya. Everything works like charm.

Apply gRPC in Rails project

Basically, Rails is just a framework of Ruby. So, everything works the same as it does with plain Ruby. The addtional part is that we need to initialize Rails before starting the RPC server so that it could use everything in the rails project. It is this simple:

require 'rails/all'
require File.expand_path('../config/environment', File.dirname(__FILE__))

However, if something went wrong, it fails in silence without any log. So, we need to add the logger into both Rails project and GRPC itself:

module GRPC
  def self.logger
ActiveRecord::Base.logger =

Applying RPC into my company’s project

Microservices and gRPC is a new approach for my company to move the whole system to. The previous stack depends on Heroku. They provides many useful utilities that save us a lot of cost at the beginning. As the time flies, it is too hard for the expansion because Heroku provoked a lot of freedom. Subsequently, we are moving our infrastructure to AWS. At first, the new features are implemented in new services. Then, we gradually extract the modules in the main Monolith application into services. At the moment, we are just at the beginning step. So, Heroku application is still there for most requests. What we are setting up here is one RPC server to gather information from main app. It is actually in our AWS cluster. It connect to a replication of Heroku’s database and totally isolated with the main application. Every other services call RPC requests to this RPC server. In the main Heroku application, it delegates stuff to services via RPC too. It is fortune that Heroku allows external RPC call. So everything is fine until now. And we got some interesting benchmarking.

Services to Services

Heroku main app to services

The RPC calls from Heroku main app is slow because it is out of our control. We could not do anything about it. This result is acceptable for us. So, perhaps we’ll follow RPC for production :)

Security with SSL

GRPC provides some security machanisms. SSL approach is the one that I like most. Following the SSL machanism used widely in the server world, the GRPC server holds a pair of Private Key and Certificate (sometimes called public key) and the GRPC client hold the same Certificate too. At the beginning of the transportation process, the server sends a digital certificate which are the connection encrytion information encrypted with the Certificate. The client decrypts and verifies the server. Then, it generates a session key, encrypt with the certificate and sends back to the server. The server decrypts it with Private key and confirm the connection is secure. From now, all the data transported are encrypted with the session key. Unlike the normal SSL connection between browser and the web server, we don’t need a middleman to verify the participants in the connection establishment since all the participants are internal services under our control. Therefore, we could generate the Private key and the Certificate ourselves with Self-Sign SSL.

To start with, let’s genereate the essential security stuffs for the secure connection:

openssl genrsa -passout pass:1111 -des3 -out server.key 4096
openssl req -passin pass:1111 -new -x509 -days 3650 -key server.key -out server.crt -subj '/C=US/ST=NY/L=NYC/O=SomeCompany/CN=localhost/'
openssl rsa -passin pass:1111 -in server.key -out server.key

After creating two files (server.key and server.crt1), we could start using it right now. In the GRPC Server, instead of using :this_channel_is_insecure, GRPC provides us Credentials classes to support this. In the server side, add this part into the code:

  credentials =
  server =
  server.add_http2_port('', credentials)

In the client side, we need to configure the SSL too, add this code to the client:

  credentials ='server.crt'))
  client ='', creds: credentials)

And done :D. Everything works like charm for now. If someone holds the host and the port the gRPC server, they could not access withou the Private key and Certificate.


In almost offically supporting languages, gRPC supports the cool feature: Streaming. This features bring gRPC much further in the race with HTTP. The default behaviour of HTTP is response-request. Which means that we receive a complete request and then process it and response. This approach has some particular flaws. The most critical one is that it is super costly when the transported data is huge. It must load everything in the memory, serialize a huge data size and then send a huge bunch of file via the network. That huge data chunk must be deserialized, loaded everything into memory again. The requester must wait for a long time before actually receive it and it is costly to process that huge size of data at once. This could be fixed if we apply pagination, batching transporation, or even using HTTP streaming. However, it increases the unnecessary compexity of the whole service. By supporting gRPC out of the box, gRPC simplify the painful part of transportation process as well as decrease the processing time for both clinent and server.

gRPC supports three types of streaming:

To identicate the streaming feature, we just need to add one word into the proto file:

  # Client streaming
  rpc LoadMember ( stream MemberRequest ) returns ( MemberReply ) {}
  # Server streaming
  rpc LoadMember ( MemberRequest ) returns ( stream MemberReply ) {}
  # Bio streaming
  rpc LoadMember ( stream MemberRequest ) returns ( stream MemberReply ) {}

And that’s it. So simple :). To add the straming support in Ruby, we apply Enumerable pattern when sending the data. In the client side, to send the streaming data, we wrap it with Enumarator instance:

stub.load_member( do |yielder|
    3.times do |n|
      yielder << n)

Everything works like charm. In the server side, to sends the streaming data, we do the same things

def load_member(request)
  some_responses = do |yielder|
    some_responses.each do |response|
      yielder <<

In case bio-streaming is implemeneted, we just need this in the server side:

  def load_member(requests, _other = nil) do |yielder|
      requests.each do |request|
        some_responses =
        some_responses.each do |response|
          yielder <<

As you can see, everything is independent with each other. Therefore, we could apply parallel computing here to decrease the processing time:

  def load_member(requests, _other = nil) do |yielder|
      Parrallel.each(requests) do |request|
        some_responses =
        some_responses.each do |response|
          yielder <<

Parrallel handling

Typically, a service needs many data from different source. It trigger gRPC calls multiple times. Each call adds up the final response time of the request. It is a bad idea to let the grPC calls processed sequently. Thereforee, applying parallel calling is a good idea. In ruby, we could use Parallel gem for this job. It does a great things after all.

stub =

stub2 =

enum = do |yielder|
  3.times do |n|
    yielder << n)

enum2 = do |yielder|
  3.times do |n|
    yielder << n)

results =
    [stub, :load_member, enum],
    [stub2, :load_order, enum2]
) do |s, method, params|
  result = s.send(method, params)

By using this, all the data are retrieved in parallel. After all data are fetched, it is composed into one single hash to use later.

Minh's notebook

Thanks for reading my blog. Please let me know what you think about it 👋